Wednesday, March 29, 2017

What Should I Eat?

          Brochures are a fantastic way to share an overview of information, using pictures and text to highlight main points in an organized and visually pleasing way. They can be used as an alternative to book reports, state presentations or be adapted for any subject matter or criteria. The great thing about making a brochure is that there are templates that are readily available through most software and even accessible on Google Docs.

          How do I know what to eat? We are going to learn how to make healthy choices to fuel our body. We will learn about how different foods are used in our bodies; fats, proteins,carbohydrates, etc. We will talk about portion sizes, how to read nutrition labels, activities that keep us physically active and discuss how being healthy impacts our families and communities.

Assignment: Students will work in small groups of 2-3 and create a brochure outlining things we have learned in class. There must be a minimum of 6 pictures and 6 health related facts used in the brochure. The more colorful the better! Have fun sharing what you have learned.

Here is an Example

Mrs. Hansen's Brochure

UEN-Health Education 5th Grade

Standard 6

The students will understand how a healthy diet and exercise can increase the likelihood of physical and mental wellness.

Objective 1

Predict the impact of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans on health.

Know the Dietary Guidelines for Americans.

Relate how following the Dietary Guidelines for Americans may impact the health of individuals as well as communities; e. g., obesity, heart disease, cancer, insurance rates, missed work days.

UEN Ed Tech-Standard 7

Use telecommunications and on-line resources (e.g., email, online discussions, web environments) to participate in collaborative problem-solving activities to develop solutions or products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (4, 5)

ISTE- Knowledge Instructor

I critically select, evaluate and synthesize digital resources into a collection that reflects my learning and builds my knowledge.

Wednesday, March 15, 2017

'Tis Always the Season for Edpuzzle

         Contrary to the name, EDpuzzle isn't actually a site for puzzles, but EDpuzzle is a wonderful way for teachers to introduce new topics to their students. Through the Ed Puzzle site teachers choose videos that support their content and are able to edit those videos to fit their students and classroom needs. Teachers can choose when to pause the video clip and insert questions into the video clip, this helps to reinforce student's comprehension on new or difficult topics. It is a fun and engaging way to introduce new topics and ask questions that involve higher order thinking.

  • EDpuzzle is a free site! Hurray!!
  • EDpuzzle site does not allow feedback from students, it is more of an answer aloud tool for the classroom.

Assignment: We will be studying weather and  seasons in class and will begin with an overview of the four seasons. The students will watch  The Four Seasons EDpuzzle video, answering the questions, and then will pick a season they would like to learn more about. They will work with others that have chosen the same season and 3 share facts with the class about their chosen season. Have fun!

Watch Mrs. Hansen's The 4 Seasons Edpuzzle

More Links
Why Do We Have Seasons?
Four Season Vocabulary

UEN- Science 1st Grade

Objective 3

Identify characteristics of the seasons of the year.

Identify characteristics of weather, e.g., types of precipitation, sunny, windy, foggy, and cloudy.

Observe and record weather information within each season.

UEN Ed Tech-Standard 7
Use telecommunications and on-line resources (e.g., email, online discussions, web environments) to participate in collaborative problem-solving activities to develop solutions or products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (4, 5)

ISTE- Global Collaborator

I strive to broaden my perspective, understand others and work effectively in teams using digital tools.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Show Me What You Know


         When you hear the words "Pop Quiz" what goes through your mind? Does your heart rate speed up? Do your palms start to sweat? Can you remember your own name, or does your mind draw a complete blank?

         Teachers always want to evaluate what their students know in a low pressure way that doesn't cause the students test anxiety. What teachers and students want is a fun and quick way to test and review the content that has been taught. Socrative is a great way to use technology to quickly assess students comprehension.

         Teachers write a quiz and share the URL with the class. Socrative can be used as an individual  quiz or in teams.  Teachers can ask questions in T/F, multiple choice or open ended format, teachers can even mix formats and choose one of each.  One great feature of Socrative is the team option. Teams can choose different icons to represent them, for example rockets, bears, unicorns, etc. The teams have the exact same questions and when they answer correctly it moves the icon along.
Blasting Off with Teams are fun!

         Teachers are able to see what information is understood and what may need clarification. Socrative also gives teachers the ability to share quizzes with other teachers.

         Socrative is a free site with limited options unless you subscribe to PRO paid account. This site also takes some getting used to. I suggest dabbling with it to see what the site has to offer.



My Map Quiz Example

UEN-Social Studies 2nd Grade

Standard 3               
Objective 2
Demonstrate geographic skills on a map and a globe.

Identify and use information on a map and on a globe (e.g., map key or legend, simple grid systems, physical features, compass rose).

Locate your city, the State of Utah, and the United States on a variety of maps or on a globe.

Locate and label the following on a map or a globe: the seven continents, the five oceans, the poles, and the equator.

UEN Ed Tech- Standard 5
Use technology tools (e.g., multimedia authoring, presentation, web tools, digital cameras, scanners) for individual and collaborative writing, communication, and publishing activities to create knowledge products for audiences inside and outside the classroom. (3, 4)

ISTE- Global Collaborator

I strive to broaden my perspective, understand others and work effectively in teams using digital tools.

Friday, March 3, 2017

Prepare to be Emaze-d

Powered by emaze


         Emaze is a tech tool that teachers can use to create visually unique presentations that keep students interested! Emaze offers numerous default templates that can be customized to fit the teachers needs . While Emaze is slide-based, it's more artistic than other slide show programs. Images and text can be layered on top of one another, and there are many different fonts to choose from. The Emaze tool was fun to use, I would recommend playing with the program before starting your project.

         One thing that I wish were different about Emaze is that it is a paid service so you need to be aware of that from the start. The other thing that I wish was an option with Emaze is that students could use it to collaborate with each other. This is not a great tool for students to use as a group project.

         Real world use and application using the Emaze tool. Teaching students about emergency escape plans and how to be safe can be scary. When students are taught what to expect in an emergency situation can help to ease their minds. Students who have practiced what to do in an emergency can save a life and stay safe.

Assignment: Have students talk with parents and make a fire escape plan for their home. Practice the fire escape plan. Discuss when it is appropriate to call 9-1-1. Be prepared!

Staying Safe

UEN-Health Education 3rd Grade

Standard 5
The students will adopt behaviors to maintain personal health and safety and develop appropriate strategies to resolve conflict.

Objective 1
Match safety procedures to potential hazards. (SC)
Describe procedures to follow in case of fire, flood, earthquakes, and electrical shock.

UEN Ed TechStandard 8 

Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. (5, 6)

ISTE-Empowered Learner

I use technology to set goals, work toward achieving them and demonstrate my learning.

Wednesday, March 1, 2017

Let's Write a Story


         Let's talk about Storybird! Storybird is an amazing creative tool that teachers and students can use to share their writing skills. Storybird allows a student to choose artwork that is already uploaded, and then write a creative story. The artwork is beautiful and will prompt the students to create a story that goes along with the pictures. No matter the level of writing Storybird is ideal for all learning levels. Storybird will take the anxiety out of writing and make it fun for students.

        The versatility of Storybird is great. Teachers can write a story for their students to read about specific subject matter that they are learning. Another option for teachers is to have students individually write short stories about subjects assigned. There is also a collaborative option that students can work with each other in small groups and add their own pages to contribute to an impressive final product.

Assignment: Read ABC My Monster and Me with a parent and choose 5 letters of the alphabet and make your own monster letter of each.

My Storybird
ABC My Monster and Me

UEN-English Language Arts Kindergarten
Reading: Foundational Skills Standard 1

Demonstrate understanding of the organization and basic features of print.
Recognize and name all upper- and lowercase letters of the alphabet.

UEN Ed Tech-Standard 8

Use technology resources (e.g., calculators, data collection probes, videos, educational software) for problem-solving, self-directed learning, and extended learning activities. (5, 6)

ISTE- Empowered Learner

I use technology to set goals, work toward achieving them and demonstrate my learning.