Friday, January 31, 2014

1,2 skip-a-few 99, 100!

Today was 100 day! We counted treats and did a lot of fun activities that added up to 100! we even made cool hats, if theres a hat on your head, you know its gonna be a good day. This was my last day observing the 1st graders :( I told my son (he's a second grader) that I wanted to teach 1st grade and he told me to stick with kindergarten because its WAY easier.
During module 3 we have been discussing the diversity of students both culturally and educationally. Students in the same class can have so many different needs, some mentally and some physically. A good teacher needs to not only teach the class as a whole, but attend to the individual needs of students.
There were a few students that I saw getting extra attention from a teaching specialist for things like speech, ESL, reading help etc. I think that this extra one on one time is helpful for both the teacher and the student. There were some students who are above the level of their peers in reading, spelling or math. Those students did the same work with the class but were given an assignment on a higher level in order to challenge them. One boy in particular for example, had a harder reading book and took the same spelling test as the class, but also had a few more challenging bonus words.

Friday, January 24, 2014

Show and Tell All

Today I was able to observe another first grade class. This is the grade I am most interested in teaching. They are fun at this age. They are excited to learn and SO smart.
I didn't have an opportunity to teach a small group today. They did a lot of things as a class. The teacher did a few things one on one with a few students who needed extra help on a spelling test.
One thing I noticed was this class was a little louder and seemed to have more fun than the class I observed last week. The teacher was also quick to give praise. The kids transitioned from one activity to the next really well.
After learning about different cultures and the history of education in this weeks modules, I noticed the different cultures that were represented in the class. They even talked about the differences of people as well as similarities as a class. The teacher read a story that illustrated the differences each if us have and how wonderful it is. I am sure that 30 years ago schools weren't as proactive in culturally educating as they are now. It is great to see.
I also witnessed the class do 'Show and Tell'. Kids are so eager to share stories with the class. If they don't have any thing to share they will adapt. It's totally acceptable to tell a joke or family secret. Hee hee

Friday, January 17, 2014

D is for donut

My first day observing first graders was interesting and entertaining. I noticed right away that there were developmental differences from one student to another.
The students played some word games and practiced writing their spelling words on a white board. While they were taking their spelling test one student struggled to write the words down. The teacher asked me to give him his test one-on-one. He could spell the words just fine, but seemed to have a hard time taking in what the teacher was saying. My guess is he probably isn't an auditory learner.
The students did many different rotations called "centers". During each rotation there were a good variety of activities to accommodate different learning styles and keep the students attention.
Last but not least, I seemed to have picked a great day to observe. Not only did I get to hangout with awesome first graders, there were donuts! Three cheers for birthday treats!!!

Wednesday, January 8, 2014

On your mark... Get set... GO!!!

I am so excited to start my adventure in Elementary Education! There is a school that is allowing me to come and observe their tiny humans learn. I will be posting my experiences, observations and thoughts as I go. I have never blogged anything in my life so here goes...