Friday, January 17, 2014

D is for donut

My first day observing first graders was interesting and entertaining. I noticed right away that there were developmental differences from one student to another.
The students played some word games and practiced writing their spelling words on a white board. While they were taking their spelling test one student struggled to write the words down. The teacher asked me to give him his test one-on-one. He could spell the words just fine, but seemed to have a hard time taking in what the teacher was saying. My guess is he probably isn't an auditory learner.
The students did many different rotations called "centers". During each rotation there were a good variety of activities to accommodate different learning styles and keep the students attention.
Last but not least, I seemed to have picked a great day to observe. Not only did I get to hangout with awesome first graders, there were donuts! Three cheers for birthday treats!!!

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