Friday, January 24, 2014

Show and Tell All

Today I was able to observe another first grade class. This is the grade I am most interested in teaching. They are fun at this age. They are excited to learn and SO smart.
I didn't have an opportunity to teach a small group today. They did a lot of things as a class. The teacher did a few things one on one with a few students who needed extra help on a spelling test.
One thing I noticed was this class was a little louder and seemed to have more fun than the class I observed last week. The teacher was also quick to give praise. The kids transitioned from one activity to the next really well.
After learning about different cultures and the history of education in this weeks modules, I noticed the different cultures that were represented in the class. They even talked about the differences of people as well as similarities as a class. The teacher read a story that illustrated the differences each if us have and how wonderful it is. I am sure that 30 years ago schools weren't as proactive in culturally educating as they are now. It is great to see.
I also witnessed the class do 'Show and Tell'. Kids are so eager to share stories with the class. If they don't have any thing to share they will adapt. It's totally acceptable to tell a joke or family secret. Hee hee

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