Wednesday, February 14, 2018

Blog #6 - UDL Action & Expression (Summative)

UDL Action & Expression (Summative)

        What kid doesn't want to control a robot? With technology in the world becoming more present in our everyday lives it is important for students to know how they work and be comfortable with using them. Using Finch Robots is a wonderful way for students to experiment with technology.
       For example, in Chicago "... CPL is the first library in the nation to lend out Finch Robots, which were invented by the Carnegie Mellon University Create Lab as a user-friendly introduction to computer science learning and the art of programming. Finch Robots support more than a dozen of the most commonly used computer languages and environments, including several appropriate for students as young as 8 years old."
      If a student can play a video game they are capable of using Finch Robots and writing code. My goal is to connect the Finch Robots with a standard students can either work together  in groups or on their own to make a presentation. Students will have completed a complex task without even realizing it because they are having fun. Students will see that they are capable of doing hard things, they will feel empowered.

Works Cited

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