Wednesday, February 21, 2018

Blog #7 - Why Coding?

Why Coding?

      Kids now days use technology in all aspects of their lives and they are good at it. Coding is a great way for students to apply their math and science lessons into a real world, hands on application. As a teacher having students code can be integrated into many lessons, having students participate in groups, researching and presenting a topic using a coding system like SNAP. 
      A teacher in Onslow County, North Carolina, Gretchen Robinson uses robots with students at Northwoods Elementary School of Technology and Innovation:
      "Robinson sees students’ willingness to engage, to collaborate and to work on a lesson for as long as it takes to understand the content as positive signs of learning. “They want to work with the robot for as long as possible,”    Robinson said. “Every time their lesson is done they’re disappointed.” She’s also quizzed students on content after they’re done working with the robot and has found them to have a greater grasp of the information."
      My goals as a teacher is to engage my students while giving them hands on experiences that they will use in the real world. I also want to build their self esteem as they build and code their robots. Students get a sense of pride and accomplishment with their finished products. 

ISTE Standard

1) Empowered Learner- Students leverage technology to take an active role in choosing, achieving and demonstrating competency in their learning goals, informed by the learning sciences.
Works Cited

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