Wednesday, February 7, 2018

#5 UDL Action and Expression

Why is UDL important ?

Many studies show that the more senses a student can use the more connections they will make to a subject. The article discusses UDL and the ways in which students can be offered choices and options that engage and give them opportunities to practice skills that they learn.

Principle 2 :Action and Expression can be in my classroom as an assessment. By using the different media such as Wordle, Answer Garden, Popplet, Storybird, etc. the students are able to show me what they know rather than tell me what they know. This is a stress free way for students to be creative and share what they have learned. A great think about this sort of assessment is that I, as a teacher, can see what a student has understood and fill in any gaps that they may have from a lesson. My goal as a teacher is not only to help students to make as many connections as possible but allowing them to express the connections they have made. 

Works Cited
Rao, Kavita and Caroline Torres. "Supporting Academic and Affective Learning Processes for English Language Learners with Universal Design for Learning." TESOL Quarterly, vol. 51, no. 2, June 2017, p. 460. EBSCOhost,

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