Thursday, February 13, 2014

More Than the Three R's

While teachers are primarily responsible to teach students things like (the three R's) reading, writing and arithmatic, there are so many other things that they are teaching. One thing that I have noticed while observing the more interesting and sucessful teachers, they teach self confidence, social, and life skills. These things are not measured on a standarized test.
There was a cute little boy who snuck into the classroom durring lunch with his friend and they took some very tempting candy out of the teachers candy jar. The teacher now had to walk a fine line of discipline for these cute boys. If she turned her head she it would have been much easier. She chose to keep them in for part of recess and talked with one of the boys parents. She helped teach them a bigger life lesson than what they may have learned in math or science.
Dont get me wrong, I know that teachers teach students many lessons that will be measured by the end of year testing. They also teach in many ways that parents, students and administration never see and can not measure.
Which one is more important? Trick question! Neither, the student is most important.

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