Friday, February 7, 2014

"Write Your Name on Your Paper, Write Your Name."

I got to work with an impressive class today. They were polite and followed directions very well.
This week we have been learning about assessment, both for teachers and for students. I haven't been asked to do much clerical work until today. I started by giving them a spelling test. They did a great job listening and keeping on task. After, I corrected the tests while the teacher read to them and asked them questions for comprehension.
This teacher did a great job. She kept the kids focused but in a way that she and the students were enjoying each other. She did a few activities that are getting the students ready for the standardized testing at the end of the year. She had them read a sentence and then had them choose a word to fit with the sentence. The words were multiple choice and had a bubble to fill in next to it. This will give the students an advantage when testing starts because they will be familiar with the testing format. I think that is very smart. She incorporated some test taking skills into their everyday activities, which will make testing less intimidating.
I also learned a fun song to remind me to write my name on my paper.
"Write your name on your paper, write your name.
 Write your name on your paper, write your name.
 If we don't write our name, then they all look the same.
Write your name on your paper, write your name!?

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