Friday, February 21, 2014

Recess IS My Favorite Subject

I had the best time observing second graders today. I have been learning about how teachers can actively engage students. These are a few things that I observed.
This teacher did a great job. The students have been learning about adjectives and were being tested on finding adjectives in texts that they were reading. Before the test the teacher prompted the kids by walking around to different students in room and asking the class to use adjectives to describe different objects that they were wearing. This held their attention well, and made them laugh while illustrating exaclty what the adjectives were.
Later the class read a story over the projector. Every time they spotted an adjective in the story they wrote it down on a peice of paper. They really liked doing this, some of the kids would even help their neighbors if they missed one.
The best activity, was one that they have been working on for a few days. The students were in groups and were reseaching animals. They each had a part to work on in the groups and were incharge of editing their partners work. They did extremely well with this. It was fun to watch. They had never done an activity like this before and even asked to do more like this. It was very impressive.
Last, but not least, the best part of the day was RECESS! We all needed a well deserved break. They were very actively engaged in this activity :) The cutest little boy happened to be in this class, my son, Cohen.

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